Fitness Store

Thursday, November 12, 2009

10 Excuses TO workout


1. Moving increases your market value
I admit, that’s vain, shallow and down-right crass. But you know its true--the better you assets look, the more looks you’ll get from the opposite (or same) sex. And come on, everyone likes a lil’ limelight.

2. You’ll sleep better
It’s been proven; people with active lifestyles enjoy a better quality of sleep.

3. Rev up your sex life
Think about it, the more you work out, the more endurance you’ll have during your work out. This stamina (not to mention flexibility,) carries over to that O-so important love life. Some studies go as far as to show that working out even prepares your body for the act. At any rate, exercise is a sure fire way to keep things hot in the bedroom…not to mention you’ll knock off a lot more than his socks when he/she sees your newly toned bod in the buff.

4. Instant confidence booster
It gives you that can do attitude. It takes dedication and self-control to incorporate regular workouts into your life. Suddenly you’ll feel ready to take on more challenges, and you’ll have the extra energy to do it.

5. A caffeine free energy surge
Didn’t we cover that in the last one?

6. Its effects last longer than any comfort food (or drink, drug or cigarette)
It’s a known fact that physical exercise causes the pituitary gland to release endorphins, the body’s own get happy chemical. These endorphins block pan and induce feelings of euphoria. So, next time you’re down in the dumps, don’t reach for that directory of fast food delivery services, tap into your body’s in house pharmacy through a good dose of physical activity.

7. It Improves your overall health--and saves you $***
Studies show that regular exercise increases the body’s resistance to colds and the flu (doctor visits?), as well as reducing stress. It also decreases risk of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. It lowers cholesterol levels. Weight resistance exercise also increases bone density. Okay, this alone should be enough inspiration to get you off the couch!

8. it’s a great excuse for socializing
If you’re a person who doesn’t like to go it alone, joining a gym, fitness class or sports team is a guaranteed way to meet a whole network of other like-minded buds. Not only is working out more fun with friends--you’ll be 3x more likely to stick to it. But don’t get side-tracked. Remember, you’re out to get fit, not to catch up on office gossip…save that for the locker room, after your workout!

9. Turns your body into a calorie inferno
Its common sense to every fitness guru: muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, when you workout you automatically build muscle, which in turn burns more calories even when your body is at rest.

10. Because it feels good
Really, it does. You’ll find once you’ve started exercising regularly, you’ll feel the need to do it. Instead of hitting the pub, after a long, stressful day at work--hit the pavement (or gym, stairs, rug, etc)--you’re guaranteed to feel better afterwards and you won’t have a hangover (or bloated beer belly).

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