Fitness Store

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

10 minute boot-camp

Three 10 minute bouts of vigorous activity such as running with sprints, cardio-circuit boot camps and other high-intensity cardio activity are just as effective for weight loss as 1 consecutive 30 minute cardio session.

Right now everyone is talking about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is very intense bouts of exercise followed by minimal recovery. Some people swear by it and only engage in HIIT. However, you should consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

The formula is: 1 minute rpe 6
2minute rep 7
3minute rpe 8
2 minute rpe 7
1 minute rpe 6
Add or subtract time to fit your workout, but try and follow the pyramid. Warning it is extremely, extremely intense!

My favorite 10 minute total body Boot-Camp: (you can do it at home!)The idea is to rest as little as possible between exercises to maximize results. However, some activity is better than no activity--so don't beat yourself up if you don't follow this plan exactly. With time, it will be nothing!

(*explanation at end of article)

Warm up:
1 minute jog in place

2. 30 seconds high knee run in place
30 seconds as many push ups as you can

3. 30 seconds jump rope (no rope? no problem, mimic the action and jump up and down and side to side)
30 seconds fast alternating lunges*

4. 30 seconds as many push ups as you can
30 seconds jumping jacks

5. 30 seconds: Squats
30 seconds: jump rope or squat jump

6. 30 seconds: as many push ups as you can
30 seconds: High knee run in place

7. 30 seconds: jumping jacks (land in squat position)
30 seconds: Rest, grab some water--you’re almost there!

8. 45 seconds fast alternating lunges--come on, push through it!
15 seconds: Rest
9. 30 seconds: As many sit-ups (not crunches!) as you can!
30 seconds: Reverse Crunches

10. 45 seconds: Choose the cardio of your choice and do it as fast as you can--jumping jacks, Jack-ups and burpees)** high knee runs, its up to you.
15 seconds: Rest and stretch

*How to perform lunges: Stand with feet together.
Take a big step forward, then slowly lower your body into a lunge position.
Make sure your knee is above your ankle, keeping it at a 90 degree angle.
Slowly push back up to starting position, pushing from your heel.
Do not lean forward when lunging.
Do not position your knee in front of your ankle.
Do not hunch forward.
Practice on each leg, and then add hop to alternate legs

Ask Rebekah. These are tough but sure to get your heart rate UP!

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