Fitness Store

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Reasons to Weight Train

By:Rebekah Logan

5 Reasons to Weight Train

1. Weight training gives you that ‘toned’ sculpted look and raises your metabolism. Translation: you’ll look hot and burn more calories 24/7.

2. 5. Weight training strengthens your bones reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis.

3. Weight training enhances muscular endurance and strength.

4. Weight training decreases blood pressure.

5. Weight training elevates your mood.


Whether your goal is to look like Scwartanager in his prime or to 'tone' up, weight training is the gateway to transforming your figure.

Ladies, fear not, while weight training does increase testosterone and growth hormone levels--you will not ‘bulk up’. You will gain strength, add muscle definition and possibly avoid osteoporosis. Numerous studies show that strength training prevents bone loss and may even increase bone density.

However, no matter your goal--form is everything. You must maintain proper postural alignment in order to prevent injury and reap full physique benefits.

1. Always move weights with slow and controlled movements and protect your spine.

2. Never, ever swing weights. For example, if you are doing a bicep curl, imagine that your elbows are glued your side. If they move, the weight is too heavy.

3. KISS-KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID- You’ve heard it so many times--but your workout need not be complicated, stick to the basics and you will gain results.

For beginners-move from the largest muscle groups (chest, legs and back) to the smaller (biceps, triceps). Include 1-2 exercises and 1-2 sets of each for every major muscle group in your workout on every other day.

Once you advance--increase weight load and lower repetitions.

For more on weight training contact me at

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