Fitness Store

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Get creative to stay motivated: make an exercise grab bag

You're up. You're dressed. You're ready for an intense workout. But, your mind wanders as you hit the pavement (or treadmill)--you want to're bored.

While planning your weekly workouts helps keep you on track--somedays, its good to break away from the regular routine.

Create an exercise grab bag to stave off boredom and skipped workouts.

It's simple. All you need is 5-10 index cards, a pen or marker and a bag.

On each index card list a body part (eg. Legs) and write 5 exercises for that part. Mix it up by adding cardio suggestions, bootcamp workouts and inspirational quotes to get you moving. You can even include music suggestions.

Get creative to stay motivated!

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