Fitness Store

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

THE 5 Day Workout Plan

* RPE (rate of perceived exertion)
1- it’s easy
2-Very, very light exertion: I don’t feel like I’m working out at all
3- Very light intensity: this is energizing
4- Light intensity: I can tell I’m exercising
5- Moderate intensity: I’m perspiring
6-Moderate to intense: I’m getting a workout
7-Intense: This is challenging--bring it on!
8-Very intense: I’m working hard, there’s no way I can sustain this much longer
9- Extremely Intense: Ahhh! I can’t speak…I need to take a break
10-Maximum Intensity: Call 911!

Cardio: 30 minutes
5 minutes: Treadmill no incline with sprints (RPE 7-9)
1:00-2:00: 6
2:30-3:00: 7.5
3:00-3:30: 6
4:00-4:30: 9
4:30-5:00: 6
5 minutes: Treadmill at incline of 12-14
RPE: 6-7
10 minutes: Stair mill with intervals (RPE 7-9)
1:00-2:30- 7
2:30: 8
3:00 : 7
3:30: 9
4:00: 7
430: 9
5:00: 7
5:30-6:30: 9
6:30-7:00: 7
7:30-8:30: 10
8:30-930: 7
9:30-10: 9
10:30-11:00: 7
5 minutes: Rowing Machine with intervals (RPE 7-9)
Alternate every 30 seconds (same formula as above)

Strength circuit:

Weighted lunges with frontal raises: 12 reps X 2 Sets (5-8lb weights)
Fast Alternating lunges: 1 minute no weights

Pushups: 12 reps X 2 sets

Leg Press with 10 lb: 12 reps X 2 sets

Plie Power squats with medicine ball: 12 reps X 2 sets

Resistance band or 2.5 lb weight upper body sequence in wide squat position (2 sets):
1.20 chest press
2. Alternating punches 30 seconds
3. Triceps extensions
4. Squat with rows
Core Work:
1. Weighted Ab “rows” (repeat 2x)
1 set 12 forward
1 set 12 alternating
2. Swiss ball pass (12 X 2)
3. Real sit ups (12 X 2)
4. Supermans (30 seconds X 2)

Great Job!



10 minutes: Elliptical (30 second intervals, RPE 6-8)
2 minutes: total body
2 minutes: pedal backwards
2 minutes: pushing
2 minutes: pulling
2 minutes: lower body (add resistance)
10 minutes: Wave machine** (will explain in person)
2 minutes: L20 fast (no grip)
2 minutes: L4 low grip
2 minutes: L15 center grip
2 minutes: L3 low grip
2 minutes: L20 fast (no grip)


Weighted squats (10 lbs at side)- 12reps X 2 sets
Side Squats with rows- 12 reps X 2 sets

“Burpees” ( Push ups with jump)- 12 reps

“En pointe” Plie squats with medicine ball (toes out)- 12 reps X 2 sets
Weighted Reverse lunge with lateral raise (5lbs)- 12 reps
Leg Press machine with 10 lbs on each side:
1. Close feet (hip width apart) 12 reps
2. Wide feet turned out - 12 reps
3. Close feet - 12 reps
4. Wide feet turned out- 12 reps

“Burpees”- 12 Reps
Hamstring curls: 12 reps X 2
Walking lunges with 10lb weights: back and forth (studio or ‘hall’) X 2
“Jane Fonda’s”:
1. Hip Extension
2. “Fire Hydrant”

Wall sits: 30 secs X 2

1. Alternating squat punches with light weights
2. The hundred


10 minutes: Rowing Machine
10 minutes: Weighted jump rope (1 min on, 30 seconds off)

Pushups: 12reps X 2 Sets (hold at bottom for 10 seconds to finish each set)

Chest Press on stability ball (5-8lb weights): 12 reps X 2 sets
Resistance band or 2.5 lb weight upper body sequence in wide squat position (3 sets):
1.20 chest press
2. Alternating punches 30 seconds
3. Triceps extensions
4. Squat with rows

Downward Dog Pushups: As many as possible until failure
Body Bar Squats front raise to curl to overhead press: 12 reps X 2 sets
Jackups: 30 seconds
Assisted “Chin up machine”:
1. Wide grip -8 reps
2. Bicep grip-8 reps
3. Triceps dips- 8 reps
Crabwalks: length of studio and back, or hall
Triceps plank: until failure
Weighted Ab Rows (5lbs): 10 front
10 side
Vertical Knee raise: 12 Middle
12 right
12 left
12 “bike”
Back extensions: 12 reps X 2 sets


10 minutes: Spinning Bike (hill climb)

10 burpees
Weighted lunges on bosu: 12 reps right leg
10 burpees
Weighted lunges on bosu: 12 reps left leg
Fast alternating lunges: as many as possible in one minute
Plie hops: 2 sets of 12
Suicides: 4X (if studio isn’t available--weighted jump rope for 3 minutes--30 secs rest every minute of jumping--include front to back, side to side, high knee and short jumps)
Squats with back leg extension (body bar) : 12 reps X 2 sets
Alternating “treadmills”- 3 minutes (30 secs rest)
Downward dog pushups: To failure
Jackups: 1 minute
Bearwalks in studio or hall: back and forth 2x
Standing squat punches: 30 second
Elbow to knee oblique standing crunches: 20 each side
Reverse crunches: 30
Swiss Ball pass: 15reps X 2 sets
Plank: 2X until failure
Supermans: 30 seconds X 2

CARDIO: 20 Minutes, cardio of choice RPE 6

Downward dog pushups: 12 reps X 2 sets
The bicycle: 30 secs X 2 sets
The hundred: 2 sets
Double crunches: 12 reps X 2sets
Jack knife: 12 reps X 2 sets
Medicine ball opposite leg to arm “crunch”: 12 reps X 2 sets
Push-ups to side plank: 12 sets X 2
Weighted Ab Rows: 12 front
12 side
Vertical Knee raise: 12 Middle
12 right
12 left
12 “bike”
Swiss Ball Pass: 12 reps X 2 sets
Plank with leg lift: 1 X each leg 30 seconds
Back extensions: 12 reps X 2 sets

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