Fitness Store

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Corevolution Diary

Coreevolution nyc Diary

First workout post-Turkey day…

Initially, it was the battle of the bulge. I’ll be honest, even trainers fall off sometimes--and for the past month, I’ve been way off. After bloody Mary’s for breakfast I was wracking my brain for excuses not to workout--then I stopped. I told myself, I could just look at my uncle’s basement gym--no commitment to workout. Once I entered the sparse fit box, I saw all I needed---an old school treadmill (auto-incline) some free weights, a jump rope and a swiss ball.

At first, my body felt heavy and cumbersome. I was doing cool-down speed on the treadmill until I popped in my headphones. Biggie got me going and before I knew it, I was sprinting. From there, I continued on to 4 sets of 15 Plie squats with 20lb weights--alternating sets of swiss ball front and side crunches. Next a circuit: 2 minutes of jump rope, followed by push-ups and on to weighted punches, repeated 2x.

While my entire workout lasted only about 25 minutes--it was just the rejuvenation I need to get back on track.

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